Gardening Tasks for February

With each new month comes a new list of what must be done around the house, including in the garden. By February, we are beginning to venture into Spring, meaning that as temperatures and the length of days increase, we’ll see more flowering plants and wildlife in our gardens. If you don’t know where to begin, any gardening tasks that need to be done can be intimidating and seem a bore. This guide should help inspire you on where to begin in terms of gardening tasks this February!

Trim Your Trees

As the weather warms up, birds and other nesting animals will start to make more of an appearance in the garden. This means that you need to trim and prune any trees, shrubs and bushes that may have become overgrown before the animals settle in them. Be careful not to over-prune, however. If you overdo trimming your trees and hedges they will not only look unusual but their growth could be affected.

Repair Plant Protection

Given how harsh the British winter weather can be, any protection you put on your plants at the beginning of the season may need repairing. Heavy rain, snow, frost and ice can weaken plant protection, such as netting. This means that, in order to ensure plants can still grow without the risk of being eaten by birds, insects and other garden pests, you must either repair or replace the nets. You may decide that, if protection is broken, you should invest in something stronger, which might mean you don’t have to make another purchase next time.

Ventilate Your Greenhouse

As the temperatures gradually increase, you’ll be able to move more and more plants outside. This means you can begin to air out and ventilate your greenhouse on milder days without causing any harm to the plants. It’s important to do this to avoid any mould, mildew or fungal problems in the greenhouse.

Begin Planting Bulbs

This is the perfect time to at least start thinking about planting your bulbs for the Spring, especially Lily bulbs. Lilies can be a beautiful addition to your garden and, because of their neutral colours, they will suit almost all garden styles. These bulbs are best planted in drier soils and will grow best in areas shaded by plants such as rosemary and lavender. If diseases, such as lily beetle, are common in your area you should ideally plant the bulbs in pots or containers to protect them.

Encourage Your Rhubarb

Do you want to be able to harvest rhubarb earlier than usual? You can encourage it to grow ready to be harvested earlier by surrounding rhubarb crowns with straw. This will give the plant extra insulation against the remaining winter frosts. You can also cover them with a forcing jar which will further encourage them to grow.

Are there any jobs that you do in February? Maybe you have tips on how best to do some of the tasks suggested in this guide? Share your advice and ideas in the comments section below!

[Photo Credit: collied ]