How to Repair Your Paving

Creating a beautiful outdoor space with an attractive patio and well-maintained paving enhances our enjoyment of the garden. However, when issues arise with our paving, it can dampen our spirits. The good news is that many paving problems can be resolved through simple repairs, saving you from the expense of replacement. In this guide, we'll explore various common paving issues and provide you with practical solutions to get your garden ready for the summer without breaking the bank.

Fixing Loose Paving

Has your paving started to become wobbly when it is walked on? This in turn will lead to weed growth between your paving and could also present a trip hazard. When your paving has become loose and this will simply have to be re-bedded, which isn’t as big a job as you think. Paving can become wobbly, especially if it wasn't laid on a mortar bed, but the good news is it won’t take you long to have this fixed. Follow these steps:

  • Lift the problematic paving slab.
  • Remove any loose sand or mortar.
  • Ensure there is a firm sub-base under where the slab is to go, if not top it up and compact it down.
  • Apply mortar to the space where the slab was ensuring the entire area is full so no voids will occur under the paving.
  • Firmly tap down the slab onto the mortar, ensuring it sticks securely and is level with the slabs around it.
  • Allow around 24 hours for the mortar to set, and voila! Your paving will be sturdy and stable once again.


Repairing Loss of Jointing

If the joints in between your paving are missing, the cause often depends on the type of paving you have. For example, with driveway block paving, the joints are only filled with sand and this will gradually erode and require topping up as part of the general maintenance requirement with this type of paving. With patio paving, the problem might be part of a bigger issue such as incorrect or insufficient jointing when first installed. Another common and unpopular cause is when your paving has moved due to poor installation techniques. It can also happen if the joints have been washed too vigorously with a power washer, or they may just degrade over time, especially after a hard winter.  The downside is that once you have gaps between your paving, this is prime real estate for weeds to grow and it brings down the design of your garden.

The good news is that this is easy to fix.

For block paving:

  • Brush some more kiln dried sand into the joints.
  • Top this off with a sand stabiliser to create a crust to the sand making it more resilient to weed growth and movement than sand on its own. 

For patio paving:

  • Scrape away at the joints and remove all previous jointing.
  • Either rejoint using sand and cement or use a brush in jointing compound. 
  • Jointing compounds are an ideal quick and easy fix and just require you to use lots of water a and a brush to direct the jointing compound into the gaps. 
  • Once you're happy it's in the right place and washed off the surface of the stone, then allow it to dry. 
  • Be aware that if you joints have come out due to the paving lifting and moving, you may have to deal with the bigger problem and relay your paving first.

Gftk Sand Stabiliser


Resolving Algae Stains

After a bad winter, it is common for your outdoor paving to look older than it actually is. Stains and algae can bring down the whole design of your garden. Fortunately, you can restore its pristine condition with the following tips:

  • Invest in a patio cleaner head to add onto your power washer if you have one. 
  • For greenish stains caused by algae, try a green off algae remover designed to remove organic stains. Careful to keep this away from plants. 

Pavetuf Green Off Cleaner

Blackspot & Green Growth Remover

Lithofin Algex Algae Remover


Combating Weed Growth Between Paving Slabs

One common issue that can detract from the beauty of your paved areas is the persistent growth of weeds between the slabs. These unsightly intruders not only ruin the aesthetic appeal but can also cause damage over time. Here are some effective methods to combat weed growth and maintain a perfect paved surface:

  • Manual Weed Removal: One of the simplest ways to address weeds is by manually removing them. Use a sturdy weed scraper or a narrow-bladed tool to carefully dislodge the weeds from between the paving slabs. Ensure you remove the entire root system to prevent regrowth. Regularly inspect your paving and promptly remove any emerging weeds to prevent them from spreading.

  • Weed Killing Solutions: If manual removal is impractical or if you're dealing with an extensive weed problem, you may consider using weed-killing solutions. There are various options available, such as herbicidal sprays or foams specifically designed for weed control. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and apply the solution to the affected areas. Take caution to avoid spraying or allowing the solution to come into contact with nearby plants or grass.

  • Natural Weed Control Methods: For those preferring eco-friendly approaches, natural weed control methods can be effective. Vinegar-based weed killers or boiling water can be applied directly to the weeds to kill them. Additionally, you can sprinkle salt or a mixture of salt and water into the joints to deter weed growth. However, be cautious when using salt, as it may affect nearby vegetation and can also accelerate the deterioration of certain types of paving materials. Be safe and test on an inconspicuor area first, but never use acid based products such as vinegar on limestone paving.

  • Weed-Inhibiting Jointing Sand: Utilising weed-inhibiting jointing sand can be a proactive solution to prevent weed growth in the first place on block paving surfaces. These specially formulated sands contain additives that discourage weed germination and growth. When brushed into the joints of your paving, they create a barrier that impedes weed development. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application and reapply as needed over time to maintain the effectiveness of the jointing sand.

  • Regular Maintenance: Regularly sweeping and cleaning your paved areas can help prevent the buildup of dirt, debris, and organic matter, which can provide a conducive environment for weed growth. By keeping the surface clean and free of detritus, you can minimise the chances of weeds taking hold and flourishing.

  • Identify the Cause: Sometimes weed growth can be caused by missing joints between the paving and if this is the case, then it's a good idea to tackle this problem rather just treating the symptom.

Correcting Sunken Areas of Block Paving on a Driveway

If you have noticed sunken areas in your block paving driveway, it's essential to address them promptly to prevent further damage and potential safety hazards. Here's a step-by-step approach to fixing sunken block paving:

  • Start by thoroughly cleaning the sunken area, removing any debris, weeds, or loose materials.
  • Next, carefully lift the affected blocks using a crow bar or carefully by hand. Place them aside for later use.
  • Prepare the base by removing the existing sand or grit and ensuring the sub-base is stable and level.
  • Add a layer of compacted MOT Type 1 to the sunken area, ensuring it is level with the surrounding base.
  • Compact the hardcore using a plate compactor to create a firm and stable foundation.
  • Apply a layer of sharp sand or grit on top of the compacted MOT Type 1, ensuring an even and consistent thickness.
  • Use a straight-edged piece of wood or a screeding rail to level the sand, creating a smooth surface.
  • Carefully reposition the lifted blocks, tapping them gently with a rubber mallet to ensure they sit flush with the surrounding paving.
  • Check the level and alignment of the blocks using a spirit level and make adjustments if necessary.
  • Once the blocks are in place, fill the joints with kiln-dried sand and brush it across the surface, ensuring the joints are fully filled.
  • Compact the block paving with a plate compactor to set the blocks firmly in place and create a uniform surface.
  • Finally, sweep away any excess sand and apply a fine layer of kiln dried jointing sand into the joints.

Removing Old Patchy Sealant

Some poor quality sealants can deteriorate, become patchy, wear unevenly and lose their protective qualities. This is usually especially noticeable in areas of heavy foot traffic. The best option to remove these polymer based sealants is to apply a product such as Pavetuf Sealer Remover which will strip away the old sealant allowing you to seal again, with a newer impreganator style sealer which takes longer to wear away and weathers gently and evenly. 

Pavetuf Sealer Remover

Enhancing Long-Term Durability

In addition to repairs, taking proactive measures to extend the lifespan of your paving is essential. Consider the following suggestions:

  • Regularly sweep your paving to prevent the accumulation of debris and dirt.
  • Apply a suitable sealant to protect your paving against weathering and stains.
  • Use protective mats or trays beneath plant pots and furniture to avoid damage to the paving surface.


Maintaining and repairing your garden paving doesn't have to be an overwhelming task. By addressing loose paving, loss of jointing, stains, and implementing long-term durability strategies, you can ensure that your outdoor space remains a delightful haven all year round. With these tips, you'll be well-equipped to enjoy your garden without the need for costly replacements or compromising on its aesthetic appeal. Take the time to care for your paving, and it will reward you with years of beauty and functionality.