Keep your Lawn Edge Tidy with a Cobble Sett Border

We all love a beautifully maintained garden, but it doesn't stay this way without blood, sweat and tears. Some of the jobs, such as trimming the edge of the lawn are time-consuming and by using an edging knife, the lawn recedes more and more, leaving a larger planting border and bare, exposed soil prone to weeds.

Efficiency and Aesthetics Combined:

By installing a cobble sett border along the edge of your lawn, you can eliminate the need for frequent strimming or trimming. The cobble setts create a defined boundary that allows you to mow straight over the edge, saving you time and effort. Additionally, the cobble sett border adds a visually appealing element to your garden, tying together different design elements and creating a polished and cohesive look.

Installation Made Easy:

Installing a cobble sett border is a straightforward process that follows similar techniques to laying paving slabs. Begin by preparing the area with a suitable sub-base, ensuring a stable foundation for the cobble setts. Next, lay the setts on a wet mortar bed, taking care to haunch the sides to achieve a neat and tidy finish. It's crucial to maintain some earth under the grass edge to support healthy growth and preserve the natural aesthetics of your lawn. Whether you opt for single-size setts, typically measuring 100 x 100mm, or a mix of lengths for a more random appearance, cobble setts offer versatility and are particularly useful for creating curved edges or defining the borders of shaped lawns. Moreover, these setts can also be used to create eye-catching feature planting beds within the lawn, adding depth and interest to your outdoor space. Follow these step-by-step instructions to ensure a successful and professional-looking installation:

  1. Gather the Necessary Materials:

    • Cobble setts: Choose the desired size and style of cobble setts that best suit your garden design. Smaller cobbles are better for curved designs.
    • Sub-base material: Use a suitable MOT Type 1 aggregate, such as crushed limestone, granite or concrete, to create a stable foundation.
    • Mortar mix: Prepare a wet mortar mix consisting of 1 part cement, 4 parts sand, and water.
    • Edging pegs: These will be used to mark the boundary and hold the setts in place during installation.
    • Spirit level: Ensure a level installation by using a spirit level to check the alignment of the setts.
  2. Prepare the Area:

    • Mark the Lawn Edge: Use a string, marking spray or hose to define the desired boundary of the cobble sett border. This will help guide the installation process.
    • Excavate the Area: Dig a trench along the marked boundary, making sure it is deep enough to accommodate the cobble setts and provide a stable base for the sub-base material. Aim for a depth of around 130-200mm, but adjust as needed depending on the thickness of the setts and sub-base. The lawn should sit slightly higher than the finished height.
  3. Create the Sub-base:

    • Level the Trench: Use a rake or shovel to ensure the trench is even and level along its entire length.
    • Add the Sub-base Material: Fill the trench with the sub-base material, compacting it with a tamper or plate compactor at regular intervals. Aim for a compacted sub-base depth of around 75-100mm.
  4. Lay the Cobble Setts:

    • Apply Mortar Bed: Spread a layer of wet mortar along the trench, ensuring it is roughly 25-50mm thick.
    • Place the Setts: Carefully lay the cobble setts onto the mortar bed, pressing them firmly into place. Make sure the setts are aligned and level using a spirit level. If using a mix of lengths, create a pleasing pattern by randomly selecting different sizes.
    • Maintain Regular Joint Gaps: Leave a consistent gap of around 10-15mm between each cobble sett to accommodate jointing material.
    • Haunch the Sides: To achieve a neat finish and secure the setts in place, apply mortar to the sides of the setts, known as "haunching." Ensure the haunching is slightly sloped away from the lawn to prevent water pooling.
  5. Finishing Touches:

    • Clean the Setts: Use a brush or damp cloth to remove any excess mortar from the surface of the setts before it dries.
    • Allow to Cure: Give the mortar sufficient time to cure and set - usually a minimum of 24 hours.
    • Backfill the Lawn Edge: Fill the remaining space between the cobble sett border and the lawn with topsoil, ensuring there is enough soil to support healthy grass growth.
    • Maintain Regularly: Periodically inspect the cobble sett border for any loose or damaged setts and repair as needed. Additionally, remove any weeds or debris that may accumulate between the setts.

By following these steps, you'll be able to lay a durable and visually appealing cobble sett border around your lawn edge. Remember to take your time during the installation process, paying attention to detail, and ensuring proper alignment and leveling. The end result will be a beautiful and low-maintenance lawn edge that enhances the overall aesthetics of your garden.

Make It Your Weekend Project:

Why not embark on this exciting project during the upcoming weekend? Transforming the appearance and maintenance of your lawn with a cobble sett border will not only save you time and effort in the long run but also enhance the overall beauty of your garden. Spend a fulfilling weekend installing the setts and revel in the satisfaction of achieving a tidy and visually appealing lawn edge.


Maintaining a tidy lawn edge is essential for the overall upkeep of your garden, but it doesn't have to be a laborious task. By opting for a cobble sett border, you can simplify your lawn maintenance routine while adding a touch of elegance to your outdoor space. The benefits of using cobble setts as a border are twofold: practicality and aesthetics.

Practically, the cobble sett border eliminates the need for constant trimming and edging of the lawn. With a defined edge in place, you can confidently mow straight over the cobble setts, saving you time and effort. This not only streamlines your lawn care routine but also reduces the risk of accidentally cutting into the grass or damaging the border. The cobble setts create a clear separation between the lawn and other areas of your garden, such as flower beds or walkways, making it easier to maintain a neat and organised outdoor space.

Aesthetically, a cobble sett border adds charm and character to your garden. The natural texture and varying colours of the setts create an interesting visual element, enhancing the overall appeal of your lawn. Whether you choose a single-size option for a uniform look or a mix of lengths for a more rustic and random appearance, cobble setts offer versatility in design. They can be used to create straight lines for a formal and structured garden or to form gentle curves for a softer and more organic feel. The setts also work well in defining the edges of shaped lawns, allowing you to create unique and eye-catching designs within your green space.

Furthermore, cobble setts can serve as an excellent means of incorporating feature planting beds into your lawn. By placing setts strategically, you can create dedicated areas for showcasing vibrant flowers, ornamental shrubs, or even a small herb garden. This not only adds visual interest but also allows you to experiment with different plantings and create focal points within your lawn.

In conclusion, investing in a cobble sett border for your lawn is a practical and visually appealing choice. By eliminating the need for constant trimming and edging, you can enjoy a low-maintenance lawn that remains tidy and well-defined. The cobble setts not only serve a functional purpose but also enhance the overall aesthetics of your garden, adding character and charm. So, why not make it your weekend project? Take the opportunity to create a beautiful and manageable lawn edge that will be the envy of your neighbors and a source of pride for years to come.