Creating a Dog-friendly Garden

Greetings fellow dog lovers! We at Paving Superstore know that your furry friends are more than just pets, they're family. And we also know that having a beautiful garden and owning a dog can seem like two opposing concepts. But fear not, we're here to tell you that it is possible to have both a nice garden and a happy pup! Here are our top tips to help you achieve that.

Well, we can’t guarantee it will work in all cases, but here are our best ideas that may just help to answer that question in a positive way and give you some handy concepts! 

Make the Garden Resilient

First things first, make sure your garden is resilient enough to withstand some doggy wear and tear. Opt for strong and robust plants like tall grasses and bamboos, which can handle a bit of gnawing and wandering around. Use large pebbles and cobbles on top of weed membrane on your beds to discourage digging - because let's face it, dogs love to do that!

Keep them Safe

Now let's talk safety. Make sure there are no poisonous plants in your garden if your dog likes to eat them. Certain garden plants can be lethal to dogs, so it's important to identify the worst culprits and avoid them like the plague. For a comprehensive list of toxic plants, check out the Dogs Trust factsheet. ALWAYS consult a professional vet if your dog shows any worrying symptoms after ingesting from your garden.

Bathroom Activity!

If your male dog has a tendency to lift his leg on your prized plants, try introducing a "sculptural feature" that will be more interesting to him. A group of three sleepers set in concrete and positioned on end at differing heights in the center of a planting bed looks artistic, but also serves a practical purpose for your dog. A bark area within a large planting bed is also a great solution for your dog's toilet activities. You can use this as a mulch over other beds, and it won't look out of place. Plus, it's easy to clean up and top up periodically.

Don’t replace all your grass with hard-standing. Dogs love artificial grass so instead of trying to keep a natural lawn looking its best, consider replacing it with fake grass. This can be disinfected and washed through to keep it smelling fragrant and then replaced altogether once it’s been down for a few years, if necessary.

Doggy Design Features

Trees are excellent for shelter and shade and allow your pooch to enjoy sitting outside in the summer. If they're big enough, they're also a great place to hang toys. Consider using a lighter-coloured patio stone, which is more favourable for those hot doggy paws. If you can, create a water feature so your dog can take an occasional slurp and pretend they're living in the wilderness. Try building a boulder feature with a reservoir underneath and water gently trickling over the rocks. And if you have the space, build a natural pond for your dog to wade into. Use a good quality pond liner and lay turf on top, and it should withstand most claws!

Get creative and add different height beds within your garden so your dog can climb into them and explore. This will keep them stimulated and happy. Adding a bird feeder also creates a point of interest for your dog. And make sure all fences and screening are good quality. Use chicken wire attached to the bottom of the fence and curved back up towards your garden if your dog is prone to digging its way out!

Remember, your dog is a family member, so make sure your garden caters to their needs as well as yours. They'll thank you for it, and you'll still be able to proudly show off your pristine garden!

We hope these tips help you and your furry friend create the garden of your dreams. And we'd love to hear your stories about what works well for you, so please share them with us! In the meantime, let's give a big round of applause for all the dog owners out there who are willing to put in the extra effort to make sure their pups have a safe and happy home. Woof woof!